

You Can Never Go Wrong With Our Quality

At Dastkaar textile, we take the challenge of helping you grow your textile business by providing the best quality products at competent prices.

excellent material

Excellent Material

Quality Product

trusted by client

Trusted by Clients


You Can Find All Kinds of Fabric Here

At Dastkaar, fabrics are categorized into two types: natural and synthetic. Natural fabrics emanate from natural raw materials like plants and animals. Examples of natural fabrics from plants are cotton and flax. Cotton is a form of fiber grown from a cotton plant.

Our Vision

To create models in the sector with its superior qualified team, its modern infrastructure and advanced applications, and to be one of the contemporary institutions that are addressed as reference in its field.

Our Mission

To be a company with international standards that is the most reliable and manufactures the highest quality textile products in Pakistan and around the world.

Our Industry In Number

0 +

Completed Project

Global Export

Dozens of satisfied Customer


Textile is What We Do


Supplier Evaluation

price negotiate

Price Negotiate

product development

Product Development


Quality Control



Lowest Price Guaranteed, Quality Never Compromised

At Dastkaar Textile, we take the challenge of helping you grow your textile business by providing the best quality products at competent prices.

Dastkaar Textile started its business in 1998, and now it has become one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of textile products like bedsheets, pillows, duvet covers, patient gowns, Terry towels, kitchen towels, and bathrobes in Faisalabad-Pakistan. The factory is fully integrated on multiple acres of land and employs 2,00 staff. The production includes weaving, dyeing, and making up, including embroidery facilities. The facility includes weaving, dyeing, stitching, and making up, including sheering & embroidery. The factory also includes a wastewater treatment plant and power generation. One of the largest manufacturers and exporters of terry towels, kitchen towels, bathrobes, and other terry accessories in Pakistan. 

Monica James Entrepreneur

"Ut et lorem eu enim mollis pharetra sed vel nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Sed pellentesque id ipsum sed egestas. Vestibulum auctor porttitor lectus sit amet consequat. Pellentesque rutrum risus sed sapien ullamcorper tincidunt."

Consult With Us The Suitable Material for Your Project


Some of Our Product

Cotton &
Poly Cotton


Lather &


Choose Your Material


Quality Control & Shipping

The Final Result


Find The Fabric, Enjoy The Process and The Results

At Dastkaar Textile, we take the challenge of helping you grow your textile business by providing the best quality products at competent prices.

Dastkaar Textile started its business in 1998, and now it has become one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of textile products like bedsheets, pillows, duvet covers, patient gowns, Terry towels, kitchen towels, and bathrobes in Faisalabad-Pakistan. The factory is fully integrated on multiple acres of land and employs 2,00 staff. The production includes weaving, dyeing, and making up, including embroidery facilities. The facility includes weaving, dyeing, stitching, and making up, including sheering & embroidery. The factory also includes a wastewater treatment plant and power generation. One of the largest manufacturers and exporters of terry towels, kitchen towels, bathrobes, and other terry accessories in Pakistan. 


Most Favorite Question

Nulla in nibh at leo faucibus molestie eget nec velit. Phasellus vel felis velit orci iaculis tempor tristique sagittis urna. Phasellus ac ante in lacus tempor egestas. Mauris molestie elit placerat, laoreet ex non posuere.

Nulla in nibh at leo faucibus molestie eget nec velit. Phasellus vel felis vel orci iaculis tempor tristique sagittis urna. Phasellus ac ante in lacus tempor egestas. Mauris molestie elit placerat, laoreet ex non posuere.

Nulla in nibh at leo faucibus molestie eget nec velit. Phasellus vel felis vel orci iaculis tempor tristique sagittis urna. Phasellus ac ante in lacus tempor egestas. Mauris molestie elit placerat, laoreet ex non posuere.

Nulla in nibh at leo faucibus molestie eget nec velit. Phasellus vel felis vel orci iaculis tempor tristique sagittis urna. Phasellus ac ante in lacus tempor egestas. Mauris molestie elit placerat, laoreet ex non posuere.

Nulla in nibh at leo faucibus molestie eget nec velit. Phasellus vel felis vel orci iaculis tempor tristique sagittis urna. Phasellus ac ante in lacus tempor egestas. Mauris molestie elit placerat, laoreet ex non posuere.

Nulla in nibh at leo faucibus molestie eget nec velit. Phasellus vel felis velit orci iaculis tempor tristique sagittis urna. Phasellus ac ante in lacus tempor egestas. Mauris molestie elit placerat, laoreet ex non posuere.